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Learning to live the way your Creator designed you to live!

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How did Give God 90 get it's name?

    “If people would just live the way God intended for them to live for 90 days, they would see how much their life would improve and they wouldn’t want to live any other way.”  That was the remark I made to an Orthodox Rabbi who’s face lit up and he said,”That’s very good, you should write that up and do something with it.” After several weeks and some more encouragement I began to write some ideas and realized I needed to make it a kind of challenge. Where are you today and if all you do is make small changes does your life improve simply by following the Creator’s instructions? 

    A small remark was all our Creator needed to put something into motion that has reached around the world. Well, that and a willing person to spread that message. Leaving the “religion” out and even discouraging much denominational doctrine that can not be proven Biblically, Give God 90 has improved many lives and in some instances turned lives around. 

    Please consider being one of the growing number of people who are willing to see their life change by living the way your Creator designed you to live. If you have been failing on your own try doing things His way, I’m not promising you will get rich or live in a big house. I am promising that you will see your life improve because the Creator tells us it will. 

         Deuteronomy 28; 1 - 2 (ICB)You must completely obey the Lord your God. And you must carefully follow all his commands I am giving you today. Then the Lord your God will make you greater than any other nation on earth. 2 Obey the Lord your God. Then all these blessings will come and stay with you. The promise our Creator chooses to pour out on us are far greater than we could ever imagine. This isn’t about salvation, this is about living the way He designed us to live even after we accept His offer of Salvation. Remember Isaiah 12; 2 (HCSB) “Indeed, God is my salvation; I will trust Him and not be afraid, for Yah, the Lord, is my strength and my song. He has become my salvation.”

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Are you able to give God 90 seconds? Maybe 90 minutes? What about 90 days? Sound a little scary or crazy? well it isn't because in just 90 days you can begin to live the life that your Creator intended you to have. Think about where you are right now, is it where you want to be? is it where God wants you to be? Do you know the difference?

If you are up for a challenge or down for the count, Give God 90 will show you how to live according to the Creators instruction manual, the Bible. You made many small changes to be where you are right now and no one should expect you to completely change all at once. Small changes that you can do every day and keep doing is what makes Give God 90 different.

Three 30 day sections that you can do, and if you need more than 30 days that's fine. Take advantage of the full 30 days for each and don't rush, give it the whole 90 days to work.